
Columbus Hospice Of Alabama | Phenix City, AL

Overall Rating: (4.21)

Address: 1521 5th Ave, Phenix City, AL 36867
Ownership: Non-Profit
CMS Certification: Jan. 23, 2004
Anyone can request information about hospice care. Learn more about the services, costs, and benefits that this provider has to offer.
Caregiver Ratings Compared to State Average
Based on Medicare's CAHPS survey.
Caregiver's rating of this provider
Caregiver's willingness to recommend this hospice
Communication with family
Training family to care for patient
Getting timely help
Help for pain and symptoms
Treating patient with respect
Emotional and spiritual support
 Learn how our scores are calculated.
Quality of Patient Care Compared to State Average
Based on Medicare's Hospice Item Set (HIS).
Consideration of treatment preferences at the beginning of hospice care
Consideration of beliefs and values at the beginning of hospice care
Assessment of pain at the beginning of hospice care
Assessment of pain when pain was identified as a problem
Assessment for shortness of breath
Timely treatment for shortness of breath
Treatment for patients who experienced constipation caused by opioid medication
Addresses the needs of patients and caregivers in the last days of life
 Learn how our scores are calculated.
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If you work for Columbus Hospice Of Alabama, you can verify or update your Open Caregiving profile. Our team will reach out to you shortly after submitting this form.